Recipe Corner

I'm not an avid cooker.  Honestly, I'm not a cooker period.  My husband does most all of the cooking, and I do all most of the cleaning.  In fact, I'm more comfortable going to work naked than I am standing in my kitchen.  But, as I get older I'm getting a little more adventureous.  I've had a few kitchen success, and if my attempts were good, yours will be better.

Here are a few recipes that have turned out rather well for me, and even the most inexperienced cooks can have success with them too!

As you can see, I'm just starting out...

Crock Pot


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I began blogging several years ago in search of new friends who, like me, were having a difficult time getting pregnant. Five years, 2 miscarriages, 4 failed IUI's, and a doctor who told us "It will never happen" later, we are the proud parents of Kade and Kohen. They are each an example of God's absolute perfection. We thank God where medical intervention stops, Divine intervention begins.