Resolution for Women

  1. the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
  2. the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose

Part One:  This Is Who I Am

Surprisingly Satisfied: A resolution to be content
Purposefully Feminine:  A resolution to champion biblical femininity
Authentically Me: A resolution to value myself and celebrate others
Faithfully His:  A resolution to be devoted to Christ and defined by His word
Part Two:  This Is What I Have

My Best:  A resolution to devote myself completely to God's priorities for my life.
My Blessing: A resolution to esteem others with my time, concern, and full attention.
  • The Gift
  • Shhhh
  • Underneath It All
I began blogging several years ago in search of new friends who, like me, were having a difficult time getting pregnant. Five years, 2 miscarriages, 4 failed IUI's, and a doctor who told us "It will never happen" later, we are the proud parents of Kade and Kohen. They are each an example of God's absolute perfection. We thank God where medical intervention stops, Divine intervention begins.