Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's okay Thursday...

Its Ok Thursdays

I'm linking up once again with Amber who hosts "It's Okay Thursdays."

It's okay that
  • My three year old out lasted me on NYE.  He made it until 11:45, and I was in bed shortly after 10pm.  To be fair, I had to work New Years Day.
Photo: Kade tried his best to stay up until the new year, but just lost. Give him credit though, he came closer than Elaine M Killian... ;)

  • I start Calculus on Monday and I'm scared!!!  I haven't had a math this hard since high school.  Y'all pray for me and my sanity.  Pray for my family too :)
  • I *thought* I lost my TI-83 calculator, so I purchased a used one...Then, guess what?! I found it.  (I'm selling one by the way if you know someone who needs one.)
  • I picked my One Word for 2013 and I'm very excited to try and determine what Gods purpose is for my life.
Photo: I have my One Word Resolution for 2013:
  • I chose to exercise my 2nd Amendment right yesterday and purchase my first pistol.
  • I'm taking a concealed weapons class later this month, and I'm very excited about it.
  • I failed at all of my 2012 New Years Resolutions.
  • Instead of making New Year's Resolutions for 2013, I have noted a few things I want to improve on: growing closer to the Lord, taking more pictures, sending more cards, and showing acts of kindness.  I'm thinking I may find my purpose somewhere along the way...
  • I found this chicken nugget smiling at me in my freezer.  It must be thinking of my inability to
Photo: Elaine M Killian and and I have been looking at the happiest frozen chicken bite everytime one of us open the freezer. Thanks Nathan Killian, this just shows what a happy place Tyson is to work and a sign of what 2013 is going to bring...

That's all for now!  Happy Thursday Friends! :)


Piper said...

Hahaha! You make me smile!!
As for the calculus... I will pray for you... that is foreign to me!
Love the smiley nugget!

Joannah said...

That chicken nugget is kind of creepy! :P

You can do this calculus thing. Philippians 4:13

Happy New Year!


Elaine said...

Yes it is Joannah! I'm kind of scarrd to eat it...

Kerlick said...

i think you need to name the chicken nugget...

I began blogging several years ago in search of new friends who, like me, were having a difficult time getting pregnant. Five years, 2 miscarriages, 4 failed IUI's, and a doctor who told us "It will never happen" later, we are the proud parents of Kade and Kohen. They are each an example of God's absolute perfection. We thank God where medical intervention stops, Divine intervention begins.